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Gallery » Danzig Report 94 - January, February, March 1997 » POSTAL RATES ON ZEPPELIN MAIL FROM PORT GDANSK 1932 - 1933



The Polish Post Office in Danzig (Port Gdansk) was not one of the recognbed Treaty States. Indeed, it was only intended to handle mall from overseas for Poland or between Poland and the Free State - In 1932/1933, ways were found to send items from Port Gdansk (via Poland or direct) for forwarding by Zeppelin. Items (some 228 In all, and practically alt philatelic, registered letters) with Port Gdansk postage stamps and cancellations were flown on the 9th flight of 1932 to South America, each of the 1st to 8th flights of 1933 and the Chicago flight of 1933.

The postal rates for 1932/1933 Zeppelin mail to South America from Poland were calculated in the same way as for mail from other Treaty States from 1932, 1 . e., the normal overseas rate plus a surcharge for forwarding by Zeppelin, as follows:

The relevant normal overseas postal rates from Poland at that Ume were: letters 0.60 zI; postcards 0.35 zI; registration fee 0.60 zi.

As the Polish Post Office in Danzig was not set up to send mail overseas, there were, of course, no official rates for such sendings. However, the 1932/1933 Inland long distance letter, postcard and registration rates were 0.25 zi, 0.15 z.l and 0.30 zI respectively.

Recorded Port Gdansk Zeppelin registered covers to South America (1933) are mostly franked to a total value of eIther 3.95 zI. or 4.00 zI (usually 4 x 1 zI stamps). It seems that the correct rate for a registered letter to Brazil (as most were) on any of the 1933 flights should have been:
normal Polish overseas letter rate...................... 0.60 zl
registration fee..................................................... 0.60 zl
Zeppelin surcharge ...................................................5 zl
Total ......................................................................4.45 zl

It appears, therefore, that special (unofficial) rates were agreed for Zeppelin mail from Port Gdansk which were lower than the equivalent “Polish” rate, but higher than the nearest equivalent, tariffed “Port Gdansk” rate (say, 0.25 zi, letter + 0.30 zJ. registration fee + 3.25 zi Zeppelin surcharge total 3.80 zI).

The franking values on known Port Gdansk covers flown on the Chicago flight of 1933 are 4.20 zl to RIo, 7.20 zI to Akron or Chicago and 10.20 zi to Sevifie on the return flight.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 94 - January - February - March - 1997, Page 13.

Hits: 1958

Added: 19/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
