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Where is Alt Danzig?

By Ton Hulkenburg and Jenke Hulkenberg

Emigrants from Germany and other countries who settled in Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries, named hundreds of villages after the places they left behind. Among these many names came from the Danzig region.

The entire shown on page 16 is from one of these Danzig villages’ and is perhaps the only one left to tell us about these German colonial limes. The entire comes from Russia and is addressed to the ‘Canstein’sche Bibelanstalt’ (Canstein Bible Society) in Halle. Germany. The back side of the card carries the text:

Is there in my neighborhood or somewhere else in Russia, an affiliation of the Cu,,siein Bible Society? May I ask you for a price list? Address: Schoolteacher Eduard Seidi in Al Danzig, Kreis Flisuheihgra4 Goui Cherson, South Russia.
Alt Danzig, the 10/22 February 1876’

The double date (10/22) shows the use of two different calendars; 10 February in conformity with the Jul ian calendar in usc in Russia at that tune corresponds with 22 February in the Gregorian (our) calendar.

The cancels on the front side from 12 February 1876 arc from FiisahethgTad. The one at the back side from 13 February, 1876, isa train cancel from the line Zjnicnka-Wolotsjisk, with the inscription, Postjrowi Wagon No4 748. Wolotsjisk is near LWOW (former Lemherg). The Canstein Bible Society was founded by Karl llildebrandCanstein in Halle.

Interesting, however, Lsthc residence of the sender, Mllhiniig. Where dowe find All Danzig? To answer this question, we must travel hack to eastern Germany in the 18th century.

From the second half of the 18th century. life in Germany was extraordinarily difficult. The burdens of the wars, the conscription into the army. high taxes and royal despotism led to the emigration of significant numbers of Germans to Russia. In major colonitation-settlemcnt manifests, Catherine 11(1763) and Alexander 1(1804) promised Germans, who came to Russia. land ownership, freedom from conscription, religion and taxes. In 1766 alone. 4000 families left Germany for the \\49ga region. In 1786, a Russian campaign to induce Germans into Russia was started in Danzig and Wcstprcusscn. Once again, in 1788, 1.011 persons from the town of Danzig applied for such a settlement. In 184)3, again more than l(N) persons from Grosscn Werder and


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 113 - October - November - December - 2001, Page 17.

Hits: 1899

Added: 30/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
