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Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

3) whether Poland had a right obtain land and buildings outside the port.

As regards the last point, Poland had, in a letter dated December 19th,  1921, asked the International Allocation Commission to allot to her for her postal service certain  buildings  amongst  which was the military hospital in the  Heveliusplatz. By a decree dated march 9th, 1922, the Commission  allocated  to Poland , amongst others, the building  in the  Heveliusplatz.

On march 8th  the high Commissioner wrote to the  two  parties  suggesting  that  they  should  come to an  agreement   regarding the points submitted  to  him  for decision. In his letter he  stated  that, in his  opinion, Poland  was  entitled to obtain such buildings throughout the whole territory of the Free City  as she could show  to  be necessary  for the conduct  of the postal service  granted  her.

As no  Agreement was  reached, the High  Commissioner  on  May 25th, 1922,  gave  a decision in regard to the  points  submitted to him. The  operative  portion  of this decision  runs  as follows :--

(1) That  Danzig  must  provide  Poland  with  the means of establishing  a  postal, telegraph  and  telephone service in the vicinity  of the Port  of Danzig, if possible  in one  building, but in any  case  in one  or more  adjacent  buildings.

(2) That Poland  has the right  of  purchasing  or hiring  from  the  Government  of Danzig, on equitable terms  and  anywhere on the territory  of the Free City, the necessary land  or  buildings for the  establishment of this service,  and for its efficient and convenient  communication  across Danzig  territory  to any place in Poland  selected by her, or to any  places agreed upon  between the two  Governments of Poland  and Danzig, but that  when making demands under this  right Poland is required to show that the purchase or hire of such land or buildings is "necessary" in  accordance with  article 30 of the convention of 9th November, 1920.

(3) That communication by this postal, telegraphic and telephonic  must go direct by any  route selected by  Poland or any routes agreed upon between the two Governments of Poland and Danzig under Article 150 of the convention of 24th October, 1921, from  the one place selected in Danzig territory to the one place or places selected in polish territory,

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 9.

Hits: 2290

Added: 05/04/2016
Copyright: 2024
