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Gallery » The Danzig Philatelist 2016 » A change of address card reveals an error in Michel

A change of address card reveals an error in Michel 

The Danzig Philatelist.

To respect the copyright of the publisher, we will only show you the first page of this issue. If you are interested in the other pages kindly please contact the editor, you may click as well on this site on 'Membership', see 'The Danzig Study Group of the UK'.

G du B: A change of address card revaels an error in Michel 

  1. Bernd Marczinke:  The history and the fate of Danzig's Jews - searching for traces

  2. Bernd Marczinke: The naval war in the Baltic (part 4: the aftermath)

  3. Queries

  4. G du B: A New Year's Day stamp exchange with the USSR

  5. Malcolm Steward: An extraordinary contemporary ducument

  6. Feedback

  7. G du B: The 1933 7(Pf) dark yellowish-green (Mi. 236b)

  8. G du B: Trends in Michel catalogue values

The Danzig Philatelist Nr. 37 - January - March 2016

Hits: 3512

Added: 24/01/2016
Copyright: 2025
