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Gallery » 1999 - January - December » Holocaust Postal History Research

German Postal Specialist 1999.

- Articles;
President's Message, page 5.
by Harold Peter.
Small footnote regarding a Bavarian Cover, page 11.
by Maria Brettl, BPP.
Bavaria - The 7 Kreuzer Blue, page 13.
by Maria Brelli, BPP.
2 Mark - Michel #37, page 15.
by Gotwin Zenker, BPP.
German Empire 1875-1899, The 'PFENNIGE' and 'PFENNIG' Difinitive Series. page 21.
by Manfred Wiegand, BPP.
Deutsches Reich 1889,
The Crown and Eagle Issue, page 31.
by Claus Party, BPP.
The Onset of 'The War' in German New Guinea, page 40.
edited by John Kevin Doyle.
70 Years Ago - the Graf Zeppelin Flew Around the World, page 58.
by Arnold Engle.
The German Newspaper Stamps of 1939, page 65.
by Jerry Miller.
Holocaust Postal History Research, page 74.
by Henry Schwab.
Foreign destination 'Uberroller' mail caught in Transit during World War II, page 83.
by Hans-Dieter Schlegel.
Post-World War II Era Army Post Office (APO) Covers from Germany, page 88.
by Myron Fox.
Disrupted Mail Service to the SBZ during the Currency Reform, page 105.
by Walter Farber.
'Zurück' Notations for a Missing Stamp, page 110.
By George Rath.
The 1948 Building Series, page 115.
by M. C. Gilhausen.

- Departments
G.P.S. Chapters, page 4.
G.P.S. Study Groups, page 14.
Editor's Notes, page 7.
G.P.S. Nachrichten, page 8.
Adlets, page 123.
Secretary's Membership Report, page 124.

Hits: 2802

Added: 31/10/2008
Copyright: 2024
