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Gallery » The Danzig Philatelist 2011 » Johannes Hevelius

Johannes Hevelius; 1611 - 1687

To respect the copyright of the publisher, we will only show you the first page of this issue. If you are interested in the other pages kindly please contact the editor, you may click as well on this site on 'Membership', see 'The Danzig Study Group of the UK'.

1. GduB; Johannes Hevelius (1611 - 1687).
2. GduB; More on Field Post Mail from Military Hospitals in Danzig WW 1.
3. Bernd Marczinke ; A British merchant ship at Danzig-Neufahrwasser in WW 1.
4. GduB; Dienstpost oddity / forgery.
5. Malcolm Steward ; A curious bit of 'self-help'.
6. GduB; LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin - the first flight to North America of 1929.
7. Ton Hulkenberg ; A heavy letter from Danzig to London in 1843.
8. Index to DP 1 - 20.

The Danzig Philatelist, 2011 nr. 20, October - December.

Hits: 2981

Added: 18/10/2011
Copyright: 2024
