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Gallery » 2012 - January - December » Schaffendes Volk Exhibition 1937

German Postal Specialist, February 2012.

Schaffendes Volk Exhibition.

- Aticles ;
'Schaffendes Volk' Exhibition 1937.
Jerry H. Miller.

- News ;
GPS / BDPh 10th Salon: Update.

- Columns ;
Book Review.
Collector Questions.
From the President.
Letter to the Editor.
Mit Deutscher Post.
New Issues.
View from Here.

- Departments ;
Membership Report.

- German Philatelic Society : - - - American Philatelic Society Afiliate No. 48.

Dedicated to the documentation, presentation, advancement of the stamps and postal
history of Germany and its related areas through education, study, research and services.

Editor; James W. Grau, 11911 E. Connor Rd.
Valleyford WA 99036 -">
Advertising Manager; Harold E. Peter, 37850 S. Golf Course Dr.
Tucson AZ 85739 - <>
Copyright 2012, Germany Philatelic Society.
The German Postal Specialist (ISSN: 0016-8823) is published 12 times per year by
the Germany Philatelic Society, 11911 East Connor Road, Valleyford WA 99036.
Periodical poastage paid at Valleyford WA 99036 and additional mailing offices.

Postmaster; Send address changes to Germany Philatelic Society, 11911 East Corner Road
Valleyford WA 99036. Subsription rate $ 30 annualy. Single copies $ 3.

The German Postal Specialist.
February 2012, Volume 63, No. 2. Whole No. 681.

Hits: 2772

Added: 04/03/2012
Copyright: 2024
