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Gallery » Danzig Report 72 - July, August, September 1991 » The 19th Universal Congress of Esperanto in Danzig


The 19th Universal Congress of Esperanto in Danzig

The 19th Universal Congress of Esperanto was held in the Friedrich Wilhelm Schutzenhaus (near the main rail station) in Danzig, in conjunction with the 3rd Summer University in Esperanto from 28 July to 4 August 1927. The first such Congress was held in Boulogne in 1905 and Congresses have been held annually in various cities of the world since then, except during the war years of 1916-1919 and 1940-1946. The 75th Congress was held in 1990 in Havana and the 76th is to be held in 1991 in Bergen.

The Honorary Committee of the 19th Congress in Danzig was made up of many Danzig Senators, including Heinrich Sahm and Wilhelm Riepe, (the Senate President and Vice President, respectively), foreign Consuls and other dignitaries. The President of the Congress was Bernard Aeltermann of Danzig, and among several Vice-Presidents was Anna Tuschinskj, founder of the Danzig Esperantist Association. Nine hundred five international delegates attended the Congress, of which 154 were from Danzig.

By way of background interest, the items described below are illustrated on the following pages:

A. Publicity leaflet with view of Danzig issued by the Congress President, Bernhard Aelterinann.

B. Full information and publicity leaflet about the Congress with attached delegate application form (3 pages). The leaflet gives full details of the availability of the special postcards issued by the Danzig Post Office and ways in which they can be purchased mint or specially postmarked.

C. Separate delegate application form for the Congress.

D. Program of events on Saturday 30 July and Monday 1 August concerning the Bahai movement (a Persian religious movement).

E. Three pages from a sixteen—page monthly journal
Esperanto-praktjko, a special Danzig Congress edition published in Berlin for July 1927. Illustrates, among other things, a set of Danzig coins, Memling’s “Last Judgement” triptych in the Marienkirche and the paddle steamer “Paul Benecke” [Any relation to Tex? —Ed) in which an excursion was arranged for the Congress delegates.

F. Ticket for the excursion on the Paul Benecke.

G. Addressed printed matter card acknowledging a delegate’s reservation, seemingly not sent through the post.

H. Information sheet issued by the Congress reporting on ancillary events such as the planting of the Jubilee oak tree at Zoppot.

I. Front page of the Esperanto newspaper Heroldo de Esperanto for 29 July 1927, reporting on the Danzig Congress.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 72 - July - August - September - 1991, Page 9.

Hits: 3509

Added: 30/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
