FIGURE 1 - The stamp depicting the Leeges Tor (now known as the Brama Nizinna) was issued on 16.12.35, as a 3-piece set, combined with the 5+5 pfg. Stockturm (dated 1390) and 15 + 10 St. George’s Hall (1467) commemorative stamps. We are happy to report that all three of the original buildings are rebuilt and can be seen on your trip to Gdansk. The Loeges Gate (Michel 257) stirred our interest in April and resulted in a search in the southern part of the old city. It doesn’t take long to find the gate on any map of the city that was drawn since 1626, the date of construction. A map from 1911, with German designations, shows the location to be between Bastion Gertrude and Bastion Maldoch. It was possible to climb both of these hills for a fine view of the zig-zag moat, which is still in place in the south end. Some of the key locations numbered on the map are described below:
1. Location of the Leeges Tor, built in 1626 by Jerzy Strakowski.
2. The Small Armory, next to the Weisse Tor, part of the first line of fortifications built in 1621-1636.
3. The Basin represents the innermost part of the harbor, with a long warehouse still in use on the eastern side.
4. “The Donald”is what some smart Alec from the U.S. dubbed the Trumpf Tor, situated about 200 meters east of the White Tower. The tower survived the war and decided to collapse on its own in 1966.
5. Four original warehouses, the only survivors of World War II.
6. Original Postdirektion building. (Regional Directorate of Posts)
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 96 - July - August - September - 1997, Page 10.
Hits: 3063
Added: 20/07/2015
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