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Gallery » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit

Article 150

It extends:
(a) In the port of Danzig, to all classes and branches of the traffic services and of the technical and administrative services and the installations necessary for such services.
(b) Between the port of Danzig and Poland and between Poland and other countries via the port to all postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications without any restriction: to certain traffic routes and with the use of all the usual means of communication.

Article 151
1) The Polish Administration shall be entitled in dependently to decide as to the extent and technical arrangement of such installations.

* * *

The remaining articles which deal with postal matters concern in the main the relations between the two postal administrations, certain privileges and immunities of the Polish service in the Danzig territory the purchase or lease of sites and buildings necessary for the postal service, the construction or the use in common of telegraph and telephone lines, the tariffs for communications between Danzig and Poland.

The last Article of the chapter dealing  with this matter (Article 168) runs as follows:—
(Translation )(1)

1) Special arrangements shall be made between the two Postal Administrations as soon as possible in regard to the following points:
(a) the use of Polish postal and telegraphic installations in the port for the local communications of Polish officials and offices;
(b) the fetching away (Abholung) from the Polish post and telegraph offices in the port, by addressees dwelling outside the port, of postal matter and telegrams dispatched from Poland;
(c) the distribution (Bestellung) to Polish authorities or offices outside the port, of postal matter and telegrams dispatched from Poland;
(d) the connection with the Polish telephone exchange, to be established in the port for communication with Poland, of Polish authorities and offices situated in Danzig but outside the port;

(1) Translation prepared by the Registry. The original German text is reproduced hereafter.

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 30.

Hits: 1481

Added: 08/04/2016
Copyright: 2024
