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Gallery » Danzig Report 109 - 2000 » IN ESPERANTO, HOPE FOR BETTER COMMUNICATION


Recently, in a Knight Ridder/Tribune article in our local newspaper, ESPERANTO again was mentioned. If you aren’t glib with a second language, a trip to the mainland will pro vide an experience similar to that of the Inspector’s. Take a look at the latest in the saga of Esperanto.

In the movie “The Pink Panther Strikes Again.” Inspector Clouscau asks a German innkeeper, “Tell me, do you have a rrreum’.” The innkeeper, puzzled by Clouseau’s French accent, tells him, “I do not know what a ‘rrreum’ is.” “Zimmer”, an irritated Clouscau says in German. “Ahhh. ROOM.” the innkeeper says. “That’s what I’ve been saying. you idiot!” Clouseau replies.

International relations would he better and traveling would he easier if people spoke a universal second language. said Phil l)orca.s, a computer programmer Imni Eule&s. Texas.That is why he is teaching Esperanto a language more than a century old, in Bedford. Texas. “I want people ol all countries to understand each other helter.” said l)orcas. lsperanto could mean that anyone, anytime, in any country could ask, “Kie t’skis Ia iiecesejo?” and he directed to a restroom.

About 2 million people speak the language, which has been introduced in almost every major country. It was created in 1887 by Jewish physician I udovic ‘Zamenhof, who grew up in what is now Poland hut was then czarist Russia. En his hometown, lour languages German, Polish, Russian and Yiddish -— competed for dominance. “He was born into lots of turmoil.” I)orcas said. “There was a lot of persecution by Russians. He wanted to find a way for people to cross cultural and language harriers.” ‘Lamenhof’s fltther and grandf ather were linguists, SO he turned to language as a solution. Esperanto is based on Latin hut is simpler.

Auction #5-DR-109

Closing date – January 31st, 2001

The Danzig Study Group is happy to present another quality auction with fine material. See Danzig Report No.105 for the complete Auction Rules. Send your bids to Erik Nagel as soon as possible. See next pages >>>>>


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 109 - October - November - December - 2000, Page 37.

Hits: 1688

Added: 29/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
