Danzig; The Germania Burelage Issue.
Greenish-grey burelage, Points UP.
Lower part of first "E" in DEUTSCHES is dented. This plate flaw is from position 12 on the German stamp.
Lilac-grey burelage, Points DOWN.
Without burelage
Cliché nail beside right star. These are quite common and occured in numerous positions.
Lilac-grey burelage, Points DOWN First day cancel from DANZIG 1u on 1.11.20
Positions 85 and 95 Pair showing bottom overprint shifted upward onto top stamp
Position 88 overprint doubled on stamp.
Positions 98 MARK & “1” shifted almost off of stamp
Position 100 shows plate fault 'l" instead of "K" in right MARK.
Positions 89, 90, 99 & 100. Position 100 shows plate fault 'l" instead of "K" in right MARK.
Overprint varieties from the so-called "Danzig Bridge" (Die Danziger Brücke), resulting when the 10th row of the overprint cliché broke in the middle at position 96. These examples are from that occurence. Lilac-grey burelage, points UP.
Lilac-grey burelage Points UP
Lilac-grey burelage Points UP Cancelled NEUTEICH
Overprint in the middle of stamp. This is often called the Neuteich variety because most of the used copies were cancelled at the Neuteich postoffice. The variety has lilac-grey burelage with points UP.
Varieties of the 1 MARK black on 30 (Pf) reddish-orange/black issue.
Hits: 4225
Added: 20/03/2011
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