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Gallery » Overprint Edition of the Free City of Danzig » Overprint Edition of the Free City of Danzig

Overprint Edition of the Free City of Danzig till 1923.
Research exhibit.

Provisional with Net editions.

'D' jagged on the top.

The right '4' verticaly truncate.

'D' slightly jagged on the right at the top.
'G' closed, red spot on the right of 'G'.

An express post card with order of immediate delivery, an adhesive label 'Dringend',
paid 'porto' DM 7,50 mailed from the post office of Gdansk 1 to Charlottenburg.
The stamps postmarked with the bridge date cancel of Gdansk 1 and punched as a
protection of the card against stealing to obtain stamps of higher nominal.

Hits: 2960

Added: 14/03/2013
Copyright: 2024
