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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 105 » Danzig Postal Rate Charts by John Whiteside


Danzig Postal Rate Charts by John Whiteside

DANG - Postal Rates of the Free State
Part I - within the Free State in the Inflation period to 31 Oct 1923

Introduction - Before writing some explanatory notes to the tables of postal rates, it would seem to he useful to try and give an outline of the postal markings of the Free State, how they may be rrouped together and so how mail within the Free State and local Mail may be distinguished.

The first group of posimarks (xnisisLs of those of the Inner City Offices. These arc Danzig I to I)anzig 5 (and later [)anzig 6 Ausland). They are thus those within the old city walls.

The second group consists of those offices that I define as those of the Metropolitan Area. These are those offices outside the old city wafts, that, by the establishnwnt of the Free State in 1920. were iiamcd wth the prefix Danzig., such as I)anzig-llcubude, Danzig-Langfuhr, etc. t)uring the Free State period, Ohva, in 1926. and Ohra, in 1933. were reclassified into this category.

Mail between offices within these two groups, or between either, should be considered to be t.ocal Mail ; for example. Danzig I to [)anzig-Neufahrwasscr, Danzig-i angfuhr to Danzig-St.Albrecht, or Danzig 5 to Danzig-Weichselmundc.

The third group consasis of the other offices within the Free State Zoppot and the other 70 or so small towns and villages.

Mail within the Free State is therefore mail between any two offices in the third group, or between any office in the first and second groups and any in the third group.

Explanatory.. Notes to_Table I- the Rates for Mail within the Free State. In the scctiofl
on Drucksache, or Printed Matter rates :-

1 - Until 14 Nov 1922 the first weight step was for up to 20g. Thereafter, it was for up to 25g.

2 - The separate rate for a I)rucksachc Postcard only existed for two periods, as shown

3- Express I)elivery rates arc shown for mail addressed within the normal delivery area of the office - which is overwhelmingly the normal, and a higher rate for mail to he delivered into a Rural Delivery area. Such items are exceedingly scarce.

4. The amount shown in the table is the fee for the Zustellung - or Certified Delivery service, The covers should he paid with this fee plus two letter postages. one for sending out the letter and one br the return of the ‘tJrkunde, or proof of delivery. Ihis service is normally used by Official users who paid postage, such as Courts or Lawyers. I have never seen it used by private individuals. The version used in the Prussian era was known as the Post-insinuation service.

5-The Rückscbein. or AR. - Acknowledgement of Receipt service provided a proof of’ delivery of a registered item, so it is an addition to the registered letter postage, It is fairly infrequently encountered.

6 - the Nachnahinc shown here is the lee for colkcting a specified cash-on-delivery amount. Any postage charges for the appropriate weight, registration or insurance for declared value niust be added.

7 - Insured letters are those where a Value is Dedared for Insurance. ‘rue postage for a registered letter of the appropriate weight must be added to the Insurance fees shown here.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 105 - October - November - December - 1999, Page 23.

Hits: 3134

Added: 26/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
