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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 104 » Sub Camps of Stutthof


AUSSENARBEITSLAGER DEUTSCHE WERKE - October 16, 1944 to March 29, 1945. 730 prisoners working in shipyards. Evacuated on the ships Elbing and Zephyr to Neuengamme by Hamburg, where a few lived to be liberated.

GRENZI)ORF in the Danzig District - September 10, 1939, to November 28, 1941. 300 prisoners working in gravel works, plus some on farms. Many Polish Gdansk activists died in this camp.

AUSSENSTELLE ZEYERSNIEDERKAMPEN - October, 1939, to late faIl, 1940. 200 prisoners hired by Deichverbans des Kreises Elbing to build a defensive wall on the Nogat River.

AUSSENKOMMANDO LAUENBURG - April, 1942, to March, 1945. 105 men working on SS school grounds.

NICKELS WALDE - 50 Norwegian policemen loading goods from barges onto trains, lodged in a nearby inn and in a few neighboring houses.

AUSSENKOMMANDO HOPEHILL - 15 Aug. 1942, to January 20, 1945, at Deutsche Erd und Stein werke brick factory. 300 prisoners were brought from Stutthof to replace the sick and dead.

PELPLIN - 15 May to 30 June, 1940. 24 prisoners built a hard road on grounds of former seminary.

BAUKOMMANDO OST ELBING - August 9, 1944, to January 14, 1945. 5,036 Jewish women working on reinforcement of the Elbing Canal. Survivors were liberated by the Soviets, Jan.,1945.

AUSSENLAGER POLITZ by STET1’IN - June 25, 1944 to April 18, 1945. 2065 male prisoners working to build a synthetic gas factory. Evacuated by foot to Rostock and liberated in the beginn ing of May, 1945.

AUSSENLAGER PRAUST by DANZIG - Established July 7, 1944. 800 women working on airf ield. Evacuated towards Lebork, Jan. 1945. Liberated end of March, 1945.

AUSSENSTELLE PROBERNAU - 31 October, 1939, to 27 March, 1941. 200 prisoners working for firm Deichverband des Kreises Elbing, in dike construction.

AUSSENARBEJTSLAGER RUSSOSCHIN bei PRAUST - September 13, 1944 to January. 1945. 289 Jewish women doing maintenance work on the railroad tracks.

AUSSENARBEITSLAGER SHWENBEJL - September 22, 1944, to January 1945. 100 Jews and 1,150 Jewish women working on the military airfield.

SKOWARCZ - AUSSENKOMMANDO SCHONWARLING.- September 7, 1943, to August, 1944. 15 prisoners working for the firm Dehier from Danzig. After 5 escaped, the camp was liquidated.

AUSSENARBEITSLAGER STOLP - August 26, 1944, to evac., March. 1945. Liberated 3 May ‘45

STARGARD - Late 1942. 106 prisoners.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 104 - July - August - September - 1999, Page 34.

Hits: 3886

Added: 25/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
