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Gallery » Danzig Report 102 - January, February, March 1999 » Another Look at Parcel Post Systems


Rex Ferguson. in the TRSG Bulletin No. 124. sums up the Third Reich postage due system as succinctly as we have ever seen: Postage due (Nachgebiilir) can arise from underfranking. as a forwarding fee or in conjunction with certain of hcial mail. For undcrfranked internal mail, postage due was.the deficit p!j a penalty of 50% of the deficit. For forwarded mail, only the deficit (if any) was due. For tinder—franked mail destined for a IoreigTl country. (lie letter “1” (Taxe) was applied, usually in blue. to the (W to alert the receiving postal clerk that postage was due. By t JP(J regulations, the amount chic was double the deficit.

Figure 6 - Michel card No. P.52, orange 5 pfg. issue of 1936, was sent from Langfuhr to Zappot on 19.4.39. Zoppot added the additional postage + penalty with a 10 pfg. postage due stamp and canceled the next day.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 102 - January - February - March - 1999, Page 5.

Hits: 2427

Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
