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Gallery » Danzig Report 101 - October, November, December 1998 » Caveat Emptor! New Problems for the Philatelist


Caveat Emptor! New Problems for the Philatelist

Nuances in Language Spell Disaster for Auction Participants

How any times have we stamp collectors heard the phrase, “Buyer Beware!”? Endless times. I suppose. (ne example was experienced when a collector-friend dropped off a stack of auction catalogs. One dcalei had a Section for 1)anzig stamps, which are shown in Iigure 1. My interest is shown by the three pencil marks beside each lot. However, after reading the description of the lots, a warning signal went off in my brain. Collectors usually attempt to use the correct terminology in describing stamps or covers. Unfortunately, this dealer uses the phrase “hack stamps” which he signifies that the stamps have been “expertized” or “verified”. My experience has taught that “back stamped” refers to a cancel on a card or letter that has arrived at a designated town, fl an experlized item.

After this small warning. I turned to the inside cover of this auction catalog to view the photos of the lots, when suddcnly---Wow!! All the warning signals went off like fireworks! All three stamps in question were canceled DANZIG 2 A, with a date of 14-2-21 9-1OV. which clearly shows that it would he cancel no. 3a in Klaus Wolff’s catalog. But this is impossible. since this canceler was broken sometime after 14.2. 1920. The broken canceler in the Wolff catalog has a 4 mm break in the tipper bridge and 10 mm in the lower bridge line. There is also a 4 mm break in the houom of the circle. With modern technology, it would he relatively easy to alter the one digit of the date from 0 to 1. since the (lay and month are the same -- February 14. What an opportunity for a scam!

Four months later, the same dealer is possibly attempting to sell someone a “bogus Valentine”. (See Figure 2)

The 2-mark with the right-hand tab was sold in the previous 4327o auction (Lot 4788). 1 wonder if the purchaser of this lot does or doesn’t know what he has purchased.

Figure 3: Top 3 stamps from March 18, 1998 auction and the bottom three are from the July 9th auction. At right is page listing terms and conditions. Knowledgeable collectors who check cancels and dates should have no problem bidding.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 101 - October - November - December - 1998, Page 12.

Hits: 3898

Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
