Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207
GREETINGS to all those who are involved in Danzig Philately: This is the first report of a series designed to inform, question, coerce an stir up interest in our favorite subject: the stamps and covers of Danzig. Our discussions and features will include the Polish and early Prussian eras, and, depending upon your input, all phases of its postal history. Several of your replies to the announcement in the German Postal Specialist indicate a desire to participate in research and in writing articles for the Report. We look forward to hearing from you, and the frequency of publication will depend upon receipt of this information. If possible, we prefer to have the article clearly typed and ready for reproduction in blocks of copy not exceeding 6h” wide by 9” high. This is not mandatory, but it would help a non-typing editorial staff.
Hopefully, we will publish 4 to 6 Reports each year, averaging 4 pages in length. (Four pages are the limit with the USPS for a 1O stamp; otherwise we will have a collection of U.S. Retourmarken.) With anticipated costs of postage and printing, we expect that a contribution of $3.00 (except $4.00 overseas) will carry us for a year or more. When the money runs out, we’ll let you know: In the meantime, please send a check made out to the Editor at the above address.
Your comments, criticisms, etc. will be appreciated. The Report belongs to you, and it will contain as much pertinent information as possible. Many thanks for joining us.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS The 26th Annual GPS Meeting will convene at BALPEX over the Labor Day Weekend. The Danzig Study Group has been invited to hold its business meeting as well as a public seminar designed to inform all interested visitors to see and hear about Danzig Philately. These events will take place on Saturday, August 30th at the Hunt Valley Inn, just north of Baltimore. Try to attend:
Danzig Report Nr. 1 – March - 1975, Page 1.
Hits: 3318
Added: 23/05/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org