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Gallery » Danzig Report 8 - March, April 1976 » POSTMARKS OF THE SMALLER OFFICES IN THE FREE STATE


 EINLAGE - Type 2b - District name Kr. ELBING. Type 3 - All the examples I have show the time of posting in the 24-hour system. The earliest date is 26th July 1928.

FISCHERBABKE — Type 2b - District name WESTPR.  Type 3.

FURSTENAU - Type 3 only seen. Billig lists the district name as Kr. Elbing.

GEMLITZ - No postmarks yet seen. Billig records the district name as WESTPR. This office is believed to have closed during 1929.

GOTTSWALDE - Type 1c - District name DANZIGER NIEDERUNG. Type 3.

GROSSLESEWITZ - Type 1b - District name BZ. DANZIG. Type 3.
GROSSLICHTENAU - Type 2a. Type 3. Applied in dark violet during 1922-3.
GROSSMAUSDORF - Only type 3 seen.

GROSS-PLEHNENDORF - Type 1c - District name DANZIGER NIEDERUNG. In 1923, probably in March, this office closed and was subsequently served by Wesslinken.

GROSSTRAMPKEN - Type 1a - with time at the base. Type 3. From 1st. Oct. 1938 it became a Poststelle under Praust.
GROSSZUNDER - Type 2b — District name Danziger Niederung - no stars. Type 3, Variant d, (name in small letters).

GUTTLAND - Type 3, variant b., is the only postmark so far found. Miche]. lists Gttt1and as A Poststelle under Hohenstejn. HOHENSTEIN - Type 2b - District name Kr. DIRSCHAU. Type 3. — without code letter and also with code a.

KAHLBUDE - Type 2b - District name Bz. DANZIG. Type 3. - Type 2a. Type 3.

KALTHOF - Up to 31st.October 1920, Kaithof was known as Marienburg 3. It used a postmark of Type 2d, with MARIENBURG at top and (WESTPR.) 3 in the base. When renamed Kalthof, it first used the Type 3, variant c, mark 27.5 mm. in diameter. This remained in use at least until 1925, the latest date I have being 12th November A standard Type 3 marking was then introduced, the earliest date seen being during 1927.

KÄSEMARK - Type 3 is the only mark seen.

KLADAU - Type 1b - District name KR. DANZIGER HONE. Type 3. Michel lists Kladau as a Poststelle under Praust.

KLEINMONTAU - Type 2a. Type 3. This office closed on 30th. September 1922, its function
being transferred to a new office at Mielenz.

KRIEFKOHL - Type 2a. Type 3.

KUNZENDORF - Type 2b - District name Kr. MARIENBURG. Type 3.


Danzig Report  Nr. 8 - March - April - 1976, Page 7.

Hits: 2593

Added: 25/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
