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Danzig Report Nr. 24


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

BALPEX ‘79, coinciding with the 30th Anniversary of the  GPS as well as the Federal Republic, turned out to be the gala event as hoped. Four solid days of interesting philatelic meetings, an excellent Hospitality Suite, a limited stock of German specialized material in the Bourse (why do they always leave their Danzig stock at home?) and a seemingly endless supply of beer kept things hopping. The most important ingredient, as usual,  was the great positive attitude of the guests, exemplified by the good humor of our friends from Germany. We made some mistakes (the story of the gray-haired lady chasing our tour bus down I-83 is only partially true), but the trick was to cover the fumbles before they got out of hand.

Bud Hennig’s Danzig exhibit was bumped from the Court of Honor before we could object and rectify the situation. However, Bud is working on a slide program which will eventually be available to all GPS Chapters.

At our Danzig Study Group meeting, Bud expanded his mini-lecture on the “stamp that never was” - a subject that will hopefully be printed in a future Report. Present were also John Matschinegg,  Amo Winard, Pres Bryant, George Blom, Jim Maxeiner, and a special welcome to new members Al Hardy (California), Arthur Hecker and Bill Ruh (New York). Bill picked up an excellent Briefkasten (mail box) postage due cover which we hope he will share with us soon. George’s question on the Memel air stamp will be printed next issue.

Not too many of us have full sheets of Michel No. 51 tucked away for future reference, but most have some individual copies or covers containing the first air tamps. Our article in the September Specialist attemted to document the plating problems as the cliches deteriorated. Arbitrary types were assigned to the various breaks, and subsequent studies have fined the types as shown on the next pages. Film overlays may help you to locate the dents, breaks, etc.  Gerhard Schüller has already responded to the original article and we look forward to hearing more.


Danzig Report  Nr. 24 - 3rd Quarter 1979, Page 1.

Hits: 2084

Added: 08/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
