While it is true that almost no Danzig literature exists in the English language, very fine philatelic information abounds in German. The bulk of these books and monographs evolved under the auspices of the Arge. Indeed, their latest publication, Sonder— und Werbestempel 1904—1945 (DM 12.——) by Werner Rittmeister is so beautifully illustrated with special cancels, dates, and other information that little knowledge of German is required for research and enjoyment.
In purchasing from folks overseas, please don’t send a check from your local bank; it will cost as much as $40 to clear at the other end. Perhaps sending cash by registered mail may be a viable means, but that is up to the individual.
The following list of German literature is available from Herr Theo Henn, Frankenring 2, D 8850 Donauwdrth, West Germany:
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 57 - October - November - December - 1987, Page 10.
Hits: 3040
Added: 23/06/2015
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