Gallery » Danzig Report 84 - July, August, September 1994 » The Schleswig-Holstein at Danzig
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Illustration 5- The Schleswig-Holstein arrived on 25August and docked at position A. On the 26th. she discharged the marines at the old lighthouse/fortiss Weichselmunde. at position B. The ship was then positioned across Ave Whistle Bend (C) and opened fire on the Is! and 7th of September. Position D shows the ship directing fire in the direction of Gdynia on September 2.4 and 5 On the 7th. she moved to position E for a better shot at the navalyard at Gdynia. Land-based artillery were both 150mm and 21 0mm pieces.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 84 - July - August - Sept - 1994, Page 6.
Hits: 3363
Added: 09/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
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