Archival Photographs - 1939
Photo 8: The Westerplalte burns across the river The Polish harbor work station produces so much smoke that the red brick wall is hidden. [Note the original curve of the river at “Five Whistles Bend”. After the war, about 200 feet were removed from the Westerplatte side to improve navigation.]
Photo 9: After massive shelling and Stuka attacks, the Polish defenders finally display the white flag on the 7th of September. The commander,Major Sucharski surrenders to the German Führer of the LandespoIizeiverbande von Danzig, Generalmajor v. Eberhardt. [In honor of the bravery of the defenders. Eberhardt allowed Sucharski to keep his sword.]
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 90 - January - February - March - 1996, Page 6.
Hits: 2619
Added: 12/07/2015
Copyright: 2024