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Gallery » The Danzig Philatelist 2015 » Par Ballon Monté to a Pisoner in Danzig

Par Ballon Monté to a Pisoner in Danzig in the Franco-German war 1870/71 

The Danzig Philatelist.

To respect the copyright of the publisher, we will only show you the first page of this issue. If you are interested in the other pages kindly please contact the editor, you may click as well on this site on 'Membership', see 'The Danzig Study Group of the UK'.

Contents :

  1. G du B: Par Ballon Monté to a prisoner in Danzig in the Franco-German War 1870/71

  2. G du B: Danzig stamp booklets - rare survivors

  3. Geoff Reynolds: Postal Rates from Germany to Danzig in booklets

  4. G du B: Justice in Danzig ! Postal propaganda between the Wars (Addendum 2)

  5. G du B: Landarbeit: shouldering shovels before rifles...

  6. Bernd Marczincke: The naval war in the Baltic Sea (Part 2: 1915)

  7. G du B: Eilnachricht / Lebenszeichen

  8. G du B: Three times redirected

  9. G du B: Unlisted flight with Danzig franking of the LZ127

  10. G du B: 1M Official stamp single franking

  11. Günter Grass

The Danzig Philatelist No. 35, 3rd Quarter 2015

Hits: 2161

Added: 24/01/2016
Copyright: 2024
