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Gallery » Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps » Free City Danzig; Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps

Free City Danzig - Essays, Proofs and Un-issued Stamps.

Proofs on plain un-watermarked paper with shinny yellowish vertical-ribbed gum with serrate rouletting.
- 10 Mark Proof, green and red.
- 10 Mark Proof, orange and red.
- 10 Mark proof, black and red.

Proofs on un-gummed brownish-yellow paper without watermark, serrate rouletted.
- 10 Mark, gray-black and red on vertical honeycomb watermarked paper with brownish gum.
- 10 Mark, gray-black and red on vertical honeycomb watermarked paper with white gum.
- 10 Mark, green and red withut underprint.
- 10 Mark, black and red with gray rosette underprint.
- 10 Mark, black and red without underprint.

Hits: 4915

Added: 24/09/2008
Copyright: 2025
