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Gallery » Danzig Report 111 - April, May, June 2001 » Use of Overprinted Austrian Parcel Cards for Overseas Traffic to the Polish Post Office


So the so-called puzzle is none: The parcel arrived from the U.S. in Port Gdansk, was handled there and sent to Nowy Sacz over Tarnow. The only astonishing point is that the parcel took 3 days for the 35 miles between Tamow and Nowy Sacz.

[Below are three other forms ol Pa&erkanen from George Schild.

Use of Overprinted Austrian Parcel Cards for Overseas Traffic to the Polish Post Office

There are four diltereni Austrian l’aketkartcn used by the Polish Post in Danzig: two different types of overprint on two different dates in the Fiscal-stanipmark:_1900 and 1916. pIus the early German type used from the opening of the harbour post Office (If you get to Gdansk, take a ride on the boat to the Westerplatte or Zoppot. You will see the Harbour Post Office on the port side as you approach the Bay. with nothing changed since its - mceptlofl in 1920.)

Formerly an Austrian card, the bars covering the Austrian eagle are several millimeters longer than the one on page 3. On the back is an arrival stamp of 03.Xll.20 and a postage of 22 Mark. The 9-line rubber-stamped message on the front is in violet ink [not red, as on the previous card]. First line reads: “Z Ameryki /przez Gdansk Nr /...J.”


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 111 - April - May - June - 2001, Page 4.

Hits: 3297

Added: 29/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
