DANZIG - - Report No. 106
Editor: John H. Bloecher, 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, MD. 21207-5230 USA
The Winter Relief Campaign comes to Danzig
Figure 1 -- Examples of Michef #264 (at left) and 264 type I, from Ephralm “().Ae” Day’s collection. Type I has an obvious hole In the 1-o’dock position on the zero In numeral 10. Additional subtle anomalies appear, some perhaps cowed by the heavier application of ink, which is of a darker value of brown. For example, the “p” inside loop of the 5P foils Into that description. Note, In the lower-right corner of the Illustration, that six short vertical lines ore seen above the qmy’s timbers, two more than In the #264 example at left.
Danzig Report Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 1.
Hits: 3415
Added: 26/07/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org