A Typical Defensive Installation on Hel Peninsula :
Ace photographer Malcolm Steward snapped this shot of one of the defensive guns that were dug-in to the sandy soil of the peninsula in order to counter a German invasion during September of 1939. The color photo below is from a guide book that Giles and Malcolm sent us that is tittled "Ostrodek Oportu Jastarnia" and is from Hel and contains 26 pages of photos and diagrams.
Our pair of explorers noted that the photo is typical, of the underground 'pill boxes' that are still remaining at strategic implacements along the peninsul. Diagrams of the settings are shown on the apposit page illustrate top and side vieuws of "S O K O L" battery, above and below ground.
Danzig Study Group U.S.A.
Danzig Report Nr. 156 - April - May - June - 2012, Page 8.
Hits: 3984
Added: 03/06/2012
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