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Gallery » Danzig Report Nr. 104 » The Prisoners


Figure 17 - Examples of Ihe foldris the f5f3 used for ‘siers on Stiitthof prisoners. 1hi group how Poles whose crime concisted of “political activity”. From 1939 to 1944. Poles were in the majority among the rrisoriers of Stutthof. The situation changed dramatically when almost 49,000 Jews, including 12,000 from I lungary, were placed in Stutthof. Thus, Hungarians hecamr the third-largest country group, after Poles and Russians. In the course of the war, people from 26 European countries, the United States and lurkey passed through Stutthof.

Figure 18
- Prisone rersonal Card, listing all physical attrihiutes arid ackqround of .Johann atorski, just oii of the 110,00() guests at K.l..St.utthof. r•atorski was listcd with an oval face but a sharp nose, possibly coritrihiitirig to hi eirrc5t. on the ground of “politsch verdachtig”


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 104 - July - August - September - 1999, Page 16.

Hits: 1743

Added: 25/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
