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Danzig Report No. 15


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

The GPS Convention was held in St. Louis and gave some of us an excuse for an extra day’s vacation. The St. Louis (Clayton) Chapter 26 and the Mound City Stamp Club were able hosts for the meeting.

The Bourse contained very little Danzig specialized materia1 and we were able to pick up a half-dozen cards and covers as well as a few last-minute items such as postage dues that showed some variations.

About 4 or 5 attended an informal Danzig Study Group meeting on Friday afternoon. Del Meinung, Bud Hennig, John Matschinegg, Myron Fox and the Editor met to discuss articles, new discoveries, future plans, etc. A batch of nice material from England was offered for sale, and you will have an opportunity to buy some of these specialized items in a future Report.

After attending the Infla, Stationery, Post WWII and TRSG meetings, it became quite evident that the directors were pleading for more help and participation from the ranks. As a matter of fact, the attendance averaged five or six at the most, and most of those attending were directors of other study groups Pleas for help ranged from: more material for ärticles (not our im mediate problem, but will hit us next year), assistance in copying and mailing (no problem here) and too much work for too few laborers (no complaint here). We are happy to hear from each of you if you have something interesting to share in our field; please keep writing, even if it takes the Editor months to publish a receipt.

Dues are now (past) due, and we would appreciate your writing a check to the Editor for $4.00 to cover the next year or so. Many thanks for your support.

Miscellaneous News:
+ Good to see Bob Zeuner from Indianapolis at Convention.
+ Next issue will include the Catapult Mail article.
+ John Whiteside 15 working on a cancellation update
+ Thanks again to Dr. Holger Homann’s monumental task of translating the concluding segment of the Ruberg postal history article, . . . it’s greatly appreciated.
+ Don’t forget that the date of publication in Danzig was 1929. Check for errors and omissions.


Danzig Report   Nr. 15 – 3rd Quarter 1977, Page 1.

Hits: 2579

Added: 05/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
