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Gallery » Danzig Report 15 - July, August, September 1977 » HISTORY OF DANZIGS MAIL AND POSTAL CANCELLATION


Beginning September 1, 1923, Gr. Mausdorf with it auxiliary offices (Halbstadt, Lindenau, Lupushorst) is assigned from Kalthof to the post office Tiegenhof. Tragheim and Gr. Lesewitz get mail service by bicycle. Beginning September 15, Danzig 3 (Thornscher Way) is closed; beginning October 1, district post office Strippau on Lake Mary (Mariensee) ceases to exist. Until November 1, Gr. Trampken was assigned to Sobbowitz. On December 1, Trutenau becomes an auxiliary post office with telegraph service and is incorporated together with its country mail service into Gr. Zünder. Steegen is similarly incorporated into Stutthof. Beginning April 1, 1924, Gr. Trampken is included into the district office Kladau. Beginning February 1, 1925, the auxiliary post office Danzig Reichskolonie becomes postal agency Danzig—Neuschottland with simple operation. Beginning November 1, Gr. Trampken assumes full service.

Oliva received the official designation “Danzig Oliva” on July 7, 1926. Beginning May 15, 1926, the Steamer “Artus” was equipped with a shipboard post office of the Free City of Danzig.

Initially, the postal administration used existing cancellations from February 18-25, 1920, type 5, with the lower inscriptions Messe 1920.

The first new cancellation was given to Kalthof. This place is situated on the left bank of the Nogat river, was incorporated into Marienburg, and its post office had the cancellation “Marienburg 3”. The new cancellation with the inscription Kalthof was placed into use on November 1, 1920 and had a diameter of 2.7 cm. The lower inscription reeds: ‘Freistadt Danzig”. Later, Kalthof received an additional cancellation with the inscription “Freie Stadt Danzig”. This new inscription was given to all new cancellations. The diameter is now generally 3 cm. In general, those post offices received new cancellations that did not yet bear the designation “Danzig”. The systematic listing below makes additional detail here superfluous.

The postal agency Pröbernau (Frieche Nehrung) was returned to the German Empire on December 24, 1920, and uses, since April 1, 1921, only German postage stamps.

The post office “Danzig Wanderlager Troyl” had its own cancellation from August 6, 1920, until it closed on August 31,1921. The postal agency Rambeltach was dissolved July 1, 1921, and continues only as an auxiliary post office without its own cancellation.

The postal agency Kleinmontau was relocated to Mielenz on October 1, 1922.


Danzig Report  Nr. 15 – July - August - September - 1977, Page 5.

Hits: 2483

Added: 05/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
