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Karl Kniep, our senior counterpart in the Danzig ARGE, and the Editor have been collaborating for a couple of years on this study. As with almost any issue, the more you look, the more you find in overprint anomalies. Check your stamps, and also your covers for imperfections that possibly were overlooked in this article. Send us either a clear copy or an enlarged drawing to print.

On this page are three different copies of Field 1, and each is a little different. Fields and le agree to the 15° slant on the left of the upper bar, but lb appears to be well squared off and totally different from the other two.

The “T” defects of la and le also disagree with the “T” of lb, which sustained a flat smash via a hammer or similar object on both its upper and loiver horizontal strokes.

The marginal “s” of “OO Tausend” of both la and le are tapered; lb’s “s” is in block form, as is the “s” in Fields la and lb overprinting stamps.

Fields 2, 11 and 12 don’t display defects here, but they are still candidates in other printing.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 35 - April - May - June - 1982, Page 3.

Hits: 3446

Added: 11/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
