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Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

Vol. 1 - Nr. 45 - October - November - December - 1984

IF a 1985 Dues Notice appears over this space, please send a check to keep your Reports coming. Thanks!

BALPEX ‘84 and the GPS 35th Convention are now memories of the trip to Baltimore’s new Aquarium, the World Trade Center, seafood at Harborplace, the bourse and exhibits at the beautiful Hunt Valley Inn, more good food and the gemütlichkeit in the Hospitality Suite, and meeting with the Danzig (Yay!) Study Group with 18 committed souls freaking out on slides of you—know-what (before and.after its restoration) and shots of our favorite stamps. Some of the 35mm closeups were taken with a Nikon bellows and Polaroid’s instant slide process, with decent results.

You may have seenthe13rC production, shown on PBS here, of Thomas Mann’s novel “Buddenbrook”, depicting 19th Century Lubeck. Amazingly, the exterior scenes of the Buddenbrook town house were made in Danzig! It was clear that the house was several doors from the Marienkirche, on the Frauengasse, pictured on Location 1 in Report 33, page 6. Scenes extended from the church to the St. Mary’s Gate, 2 blocks away, with costumes and carriages of the 1850’s, and even a postman delivering mail. We made a number of photos on slides using Kodak Ektachrome with an ASA speed of 160, and shooting at the only shutter speed for TV copies: 1/30th sec. Danzig must be the only location in Europe that captures the flavor of old Lubeck.

The informal study group meeting allowed much discussion on various Danzig stamps and matters. Amo Winard told of his experiences as a youth in Danzig of the increasing prejudices, related in the book and recent movie, “The Tin Drum”. George Blum, Art Hecker and Bill Ruh made up the New York Gang, and George Malloy, Jim Franz, Dan Pass Pres Bryant and Dave Cameron were delegates from the D.C.1 Maryland/Virginia areas. From South Carolina came Eric Nagel, and John Neefus of North Carolina explained the new Plebiscite Study Group. Joining us for the first time was Herman (New Jersey) Berenson, and Bud Hennig, as always, was the one to turn to for philatelic information. Thanks to all who participated!

It had to happen! Not only is Danzig on world-wide television, but the New York Times devotes all this space to our cause. As Bill Ruh says, “How many in the U.S. or Europe could guess this one? Who in the world could have come up with this question? Talk about trivial facts!


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 45 - October - November - December - 1984, Page 1.

Hits: 2832

Added: 15/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
