In this Report
News ............................................................................................ 1—2
Zweikreisstempel without year: A detailed survey ................. 3—34
of the new Zeppelin museums under construction. Questioned at the meeting was the quantity of “balloon cards” released at Luposta 1932 and listed on Page 13 of the new English translation (available from your Danzig Study Group). Please acknowledge if you are aware of higher numbers than 98.
The Danzig Reports of 1986—1987 were fortunate in being awarded the Chicagopex and G.P.S. silver medals for the eight issues in the Literature Class. The changes evident in this Report result from suggestions at the Literature Judging Critique by Judges Russ Skaveril (Chairman), Cheryl Ganz, Ted Light and Richard Drews. Their criticism was most helpful, and the suggestions will be instituted immediately. They spoke of “dynamics and excitement in the Study Group”, which reflects on the contributions and enthusiasm shared by the many active members, some of whom are listed as Contribut ing Editors. Incidentally, we welcome judge Richard Drews as a new member.
Thanks to Nobuyuki Nagano for renewing his membership for another three years. From Tokyo, he is our most distant member.
Under way: An accumulative Index for all 58 Danzig Reports.
Danzig Report Nr. 58 - January - February - March - 1988, Page 3.
Hits: 2372
Added: 24/06/2015
Copyright: 2024