In This Report:
Artushof- The Past Lives in National Museum.. .................................................Pgs.1-6
MailPouchGoesOverboard ...........................................................................................7
The T.A.B.R.O.M.I.K. Beer Labels ...........................................................................8—16
Letters ..................................................................................................................14—19
D.S.G. At INDYPEX ‘91 ..................................................................................................20
Danzig Folio Print: Arttishof photo from 1989.......................................................... 22
Notes from the Editor:
The last thing you want to hear, is that the cost of postage, printing, color copies and the like is driving up the amount charged for the Reports. Envelopes and postage, alone, have accounted for more than $1.00 in expenses with most mai1incs. You basic one-year domestic subscription will be $10, with liberal discounts for multi-year prepayments. Let it be very clear, however, that if these costs are a financial burden, as we know they are with a few retirees who have high medical expenses, send only what you can afford and we will keep your Reports coming. Hope that this is the last that you will hear about expenses for another 10 years! Thanks for your loyalty!
Gruss, Gruss and more Gruss from Danzig in 1992
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 73 - October - November - December - 1991, Page 2.
Hits: 2409
Added: 01/07/2015
Copyright: 2024