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Gallery » Danzig Report 73 - October, November, December 1991 » The Past Lives the National Museum



On the left is a photograph made in 1991 of the rear of the Artus. Its appearance comes as a surprise since we are always shown the front of the building, on stamps and drawings. But the Gothic bricks are part of the original design of the building, with the Gothic arches of the tall windows being repeated on the rear wall.

Our guess is that the structure built out from the wall (arrow) houses an external circular stair that connects the large attic room to the main floor. On Page 4, the door next to the stove appears to be in the proper position to connect to the outside enclosure.

The tar paper at the right covered part of the reconstruction that was still under way.

Here’s an interesting twist: The photo of St. George and his horse was taken in the Pomeranjan Museum and appears to be the same statue and assemblage that shows on the interior views behind the stove. The only variation is that George is holding a sword instead of a spear. Our guess is that it is the same statue, but it may have been possible to have another one that was a copy elsewhere. We’re open to suggestions.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 73 - October - November - December - 1991, Page 6.

Hits: 3621

Added: 01/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
