First Flights 1 June 1929
Katowice - Poznan - Bydgoszcz - Gdansk
Several air mail routes were set up in 1929 in Poland, and some involved stops in Danzig. First Flights took place on the occasion of the opening of the line from Gdansk— Bydgoszcz—Poznan—Katowice on 1st June, 1929. The first-day handstamp is a large rectangular design, 45 mm x 61.5 mm, in colors ranging from violet-red violet-lilac-red. The design is the same for each leg of the route, although the names of the cities served vary on each cover and are printed next to I LOT (first flight). Below, each of the 14 covers is shown, with color designation for the handstamp and the number of items carried on each flight. It should be mentioned that the quantities carried agree in both Michaelis’ Luftpost von und nach Danzig (English translation by duBoulay in DR#64) and in the Polish Katalog Specjalizowany Znakôw Pocztowych.
First Group: Flown directly to or from Danzig (6 covers):
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 79 - April - May - June - 1993, Page 17.
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Added: 04/07/2015
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