Letters from ALEKSV NOWOCZYNSKI, Gdansk 6.
We were happy to meet Aleksy again in Gdansk on our last trip, and he has responded by sending us the latest on the reconstruction of the great ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK in the Marienkirche. Last year. Prof. Januszajtis explained the work, and this year the clock was finali rededicated. Erected in 1464-1470 by Hans Duringer. the 14-meters-hilh clock functioned until 1553. so this is a very important year in its history. At noon. there appear scenes of the Annunciauon and of the three Magi. Higher up. Apostles and Evangelists proceed with the accompany ng music. and Adam and Eve ring the hour-bells, in May. our small group had the privilege of seeing the new mechanisms that drive the figures from the rear of the clock. Below are Aleksvs contribution to this Report: a card with black and white photo. 1500Z1 stamp with Copernicus and special cancel on dedication day. 15.8.93. To the right is a commemorative cover with clock cachet. Many thanks!
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 80 - July - August - September - 1993, Page 21.
Hits: 2382
Added: 05/07/2015
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