Information Sought
It can be recognized in this article that there has been no clearinghouse for information pertaining to Danzig Perfins. If a philatelist has additional information pertaining to Danzig Perfins not included in this article, that information should be sent to Willem Smetsers c/o the ArGe Lochungen for their catalogue, Karl Kniep at the ArGe Danzig for the Danzig philatelists and John Bloecher for the Danzig philatelists in the USA, for inclusion in the Danzig Report. The types of information that is reportable are many and varied. The following are some of the types: 1) If you find an error in the information presented in this article; 2) If you find a perfin listed in the 1897-1920 list on a Free City Danzig stamp; 3) Conversely, if you find a perfin listed in the 1920-1939 list, used on a German stamp cancelled on a Danzig city or town before January 10, 1920. If you are the owner of one of the reported perfins that has not been catalogued, please submit it/them for inspection. Some are BEC, GK, H&R/Dz, OB and PB. If you have another piece of information like a new orientation not previously noted by any of the study groups, please submit this, also. Be sure to use the section on orientation presented in this article as a guide.
To be assured of a friendly response, you can contact the author, Dr. John D. Neefus, P.O. Box 51126, Durham NC 27717-1126, e-mailing at:, by FAX to (919) 490-0364 or by telephone to (919) 490-5534.
To Sell Danzig or Other German Area Perfins
Mr. Marcel J. Jaffee is the sales circuit manager of GAC (German Area Circuits). He runs circuits of Danzig, Plebiscites, Inflation, Germania, Colonies, Bavaria, Memel, Saar and maybe other areas. His address is GAC, P.O. Box 55024, Metairie, LA 70055. He is always looking for specialized material such as Danzig perfins for the circuits. This article gives you insight on what they might be worth.
An Album for Danzig Perfins
An album for Danzig Perfins is available from Dr. Neefus, address above, for members of the GPS Danzig Study Group, the ArGe Lochungen, the ArGe Danzig and the Perfins Club (USA). All pages of the album are acid free paper. All Perfins are described and illustrated using the ArGe Lochungen system. The 8½” x 1 1” pages are for standard US 3-ring binders. The cost can be obtained from Dr. Neefus.
Part II -- Perfins of Danzig, 1897 to 1920
The following perfins were used prior to the Free City time period. The perfins will be assigned their ArGe Lochungen number and on following pages the ArGe Lochungen system to describe perfins will be used to detail additional information. The symbols used in the charts are as shown:
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 92 - July - August - September - 1996, Page 22.
Hits: 2574
Added: 18/07/2015
Copyright: 2024