Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit
on February 3rd, 1923. On February 1st, 1923, the Council appointed Mr. M. S. Mac Donnell to succeed him.
Amongst the supplementary "arrangements and agreements" above referred to, the Treaty of Versailles provides that a convention should be concluded between the Polish Government and the Free City with the object, amongst others, of ensuring to Poland "the control and administration of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communication between Poland and the Port or Danzig".
According to the reply dated dune 16th, 1919, made by the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German Delegation on the conditions of peace (with reply was moreover cited in the report made by the Japanese representative on November 17th, 1920, to the Council of the League Of Nations), this provision was one of those designed to assure to Poland free access to the sea at the port of Danzig, its only outlet on the Baltic.
The Convention in question was signed at Paris on November 9th, 1920. Chapter IV of the Convention, containing Articles 29-32, deals, with the rights accruing to Poland in the port of Danzig as regards postal arrangements.
Furthermore, Article 39 of the Convention lays down the procedure for the settlement of possible differences between Poland and the Free City indicated by the Treaty of Versailles.
By an agreement concluded between the parties on June 20th, 1921, and confirmed by the Council on the following day, the time allowed for appeal was fixed at forty days from the notification of the decision.
The Convention provided for the subsequent conclusion between the contracting parties of a further agreement. This agreement, which was designed to complete the said Convention and to settle the details of its execution, was signed at Warsaw on October 24th, 1921; it contains a Section III devoted postal matters and comprising 20 articles (149--168).
Articles 168 I) and 240 d — f of the Agreement, show that a number Of outstanding questions regarding postal matters were expressly reserved for future settlement either by mutual arrangement or by means of decisions given in accordance with the terms of Article 39 of the Convention of Paris.
Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 7.
Hits: 2959
Added: 16/02/2016
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