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Gallery » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit

The Polish Government has started without contradiction that the Agreement came into force on January 11th, 1922, in virtue of an exchange of Notes dated December 31st, 1921. Similarly, in his report to the Council of the League of Nations dated January 12th, 1922. the Japanese representative states that he understands "that the Agreement was ratified on that date".

Pending the conclusion of the Convention and Agreement referred to above, postal relations between Poland and the Free City had been regulated by certain articles of a provisional arrangement dated April 22nd, 1920.

As regards Section III of the Warsaw Agreement, this was prepared by means of negotiations between the Polish and Danzig postal administrations Which appear to have extended from April to August 1921. On the 15th of the latter month the High Commissioner gave his decision in a dispute between Poland and the Free City regarding the ownership, etc., of the railways situated in the territory of the latter. For the purposes of his decision the High Commissioner accepted a red line traced by the Harbour Board on a map of the City of Danzig for the purpose of indicating that amongst the railways, sites and establishments marked within this line were to be found those "specially serving the port". By their agreement of September 23rd, 1921, the representatives of the Parties expressly renounced their right to appeal against this decision, which has been a subject of discussion between the interested parties; for Poland regards it as furnishing a geographical definition — the only one in existence — of the area of the "port of Danzig".

As has already been stated, Article 240 of the Warsaw Agreement reserved a certain number of outstanding questions for decision by the High Commissioner. In February, 1922, Poland approached the High Commissioner with a view to obtaining his decision upon some of the points left outstanding with regard to the postal regime. The Polish request refers to paragraph d) and f) of Article 240 of the Warsaw Agreement for the purpose of defining the questions, a settlement of which was desired. In its reply to this request, the Free City alludes to paragraph e) of this article in addition to the paragraphs above-mentioned. The three following questions were therefore submitted to the High Commissioner and were argued before him:—
1) the meaning of hie expression "direct communications";
2) the extension of the Polish service beyond the port of Danzig;

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 8.

Hits: 3073

Added: 16/02/2016
Copyright: 2025
