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Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

and that no postal, telegraphic or telephonic material or messages can be received or delivered on this route, except in the establishment described in (1) above.

(4) That Poland  can establish this communication  under the  conditions mentioned in (3), in any manner she chooses, rail, air road and water, and can change the route selected provided she does use tow or more alternative routes at the same  time, except by agreement as in sub para: (3) above.

(5) Any further disagreement between the two Governments arising out of sub para : (2) above as regards the word ‘‘necessary" can be dealt with  by either Government under Article 39 of the convention of 9th November, 1920.

Poland  appealed  against  this decision  August  11th, 1922. The appeal  however was withdrawn  following on  an agreement between  the  parties as to the interpretation  given  on  August 30th. 1922, by the High  Commissioner of his decision of may 25th, This interpretation was as follows:

“The  high commissioner, having been invited  by the representatives of Danzig and Poland  to  explain certain points of his decision of May 25th,  1922, concerning  the establishment  of  a  Polish post, telegraph  and telephone  Service at Danzig,  states  that  paragraph 1 of this decision  deals  with the installation  of the postal service, which is to occupy a single  site  (Hevelius  Platz). if  Poland considers this site too small, it shall be  incumbent  upon Danzig to supply additional  premises in  the  immediate  neighborhood,  that is to say on the opposite side of the street or by adding on to  the  exiting building.

Paragraph 2 deals with the development of the postal service and gives Poland the right to negotiate the purchase or hire of any other site within the territory of the free City. The question of a second building therefore falls under paragraph 2. Danzig rejects the idea of a second building; consequently the question falls under paragraph 5. Poland can adduce very cogent arguments in favor of the necessity for the two buildings, which have already been allotted to her for the postal service by the Allocation Commission of the Principal Allied Powers. This fact will certainly influence

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 10.

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Added: 05/04/2016
Copyright: 2025
