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Gallery » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit

1922, connects them with the discussion regarding Article 168 of The  Warsaw  Agreement.

The Court  not in possession of any documents by which the parties may have expressly sought the High Commissioner’s decision on the point at issue, that is to say, the decision of December 23rd, 1922.

In the statement of reasons for the decision are included certain considerations to the effect that the installation of a sorting office would constitute an extension of the Polish postal service and that such an extension is not admissible because “it might cause serious loss to the postal service of Danzig and thence to the State"; it is also said that the office granted to the Polish service, namely that in the Heveliusplatz, was intended for the dispatch of mails by the Polish authorities in Danzig and oversea mails in transit.

Poland appealed against this decision on March 20th, 1923. No decision was however taken in regard to this appeal as an agreement was concluded between the parties on April 18th. 1923, and  confined  on the following day by the Council of the League of Nations.

This agreement sanctions the establishment of  a  Polish sorting Office  at the main railway station, subject to certain restrictions, one of which is that  the  office  should  remain closed to the public. This agreement states in terms that it. replaces  the  decision of December 23rd, 1922, but expressly lays down that “this practical Settlement of the  question  shall in no way affect the position in law”. Many documents have been placed before the Court to assist it in forming an opinion as to the meaning to be attached to this passage: the parties to the agreement maintain different views on the point.

For reasons  which  are. Interpreted  differently , by the two parties, the Heveliusplatz  building, which was allotted to Poland on March 9th. 1922. had not yet been occupied by the Polish postal service  two years later. On April 1st, 1924, however, an agreement regarding its evacuation was concluded, and it appears that it had actually  been  evacuated by July 15th 1924. The Court does not possess full information as to the manner in which the Polish post at Danzig was organized  in the meantime and after the substitution,

den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit, Seite 13.

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Added: 05/04/2016
Copyright: 2025
