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Freie Stadt Danzig; Airmail issue - Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps.
May 3, 1921. Second airmail issue showing plane over Danzig skyline. Designed by Max Buchholtz and printed by Julius Sauer by Letterpress and honeycomed watermarked paper (Wz. 2), perforated comb 14, (5 Mark and 10 Mark are perforated serrated 13 1/2).
- 40 Pfennig, bluish-green.
- 60 Pfennig, violet-purple.
- 1 Mark, lilac-red.
- 2 Mark, brownish orange.
- 5 Mark, dark violet-blue.
- 10 Mark, blackish yellow-green.
Hits: 4090
Added: 24/09/2008
Copyright: 2025
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