- Articles;
German Seaplanes Over the Atlantic 1937 - 1939.
by Jim Grau.
Samlandbahn & Fischausener Kreisbahn.
by Peter Rogers.
A French Proposal for the Partition of Germany.
by Howard Geisler.
- New;
Germany on Exhibit.
- Columns;
Collecting Warsaw Locals;
Letters to the Editor.
Mit Deutscher Post: Mail to Hungary and Czechoslovakia at Reduced Rates.
New Issues.
View fro Here.
- Departments;
Membership Report.
- On the Cover;
Great Britain to Peru in March 1939 via DLH South Atlantic airmail service,
Flight L433, Ha-139 Nordwind floatplane from Gambia to Brazil.
Editor; James W. Grau, 11911 E. Connor Rd.
Valleyford WA 99036 - jimg@air-pipe.com
Advertising Manager; Harold E. Peter, 37850 S. Golf Course Dr.
Tucson AZ 85739 - hepeteramgs@aol.com
The German Postal Specialist.
February 2009, Volume 60, No. 2, Whole No. 645.
Hits: 3054
Added: 29/08/2010
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