- Articles;
Mail to German Offices in China:
The 1916 German Postal Rate Increase.
by A. Lavar Taylor.
- News;
Nominees for 2009-2013 Officers and Directors.
GPS Board Establishes Endowment Fund for Society.
Obituary: Albert F.W. Jaeger.
- Columns;
Collector Questions.
From the President.
Letters to the Editor.
My Favorite Covers.
New Issues.
View From Here: More on GPS Elections.
- Departments;
Membership Report.
- On the Cover;
Candidates for the 2009-2013 GPS elections,
including 10 director hopefuls for six seats. Please vote !
Editor; James W. Grau, 11911 E. Connor Rd.
Valleyford WA 99036 - jimg@air-pipe.com
Advertising Manager; Harold E. Peter, 37850 S. Golf Course Dr.
Tucson AZ 85739 - hepeteramgs@aol.com
The German Postal Specialist.
April 2009, Volume 60, No. 6, Whole No. 649.
Hits: 2926
Added: 29/08/2010
Copyright: 2024 Danzig.org