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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » FIFTH and Final Set of Danzig WHW stamps

> Danzig and the WHW

FIFTH and Final Set of Danzig WHW stamps. Mi.#2%4-28%. (For detailed illustrations and description, see DR-88.) They were issued on 28 November 1938 and were valid until 30.6.39. The occasion for this souvenir sheet is the recognition of the people who turned out the handwork that was sold for raising WHIW funds. The special cancel (FigureI 8) also explains the importancc of the makers (and the collectors) ol these small items. At the right is a lucky find by Fred Hehrendt at a flea market. It is a cloth-covered metal shield with a safrly catch that certainly must have been a “collectible” from one of the WIIW Danzig campaigns. A very nice piece of workmanship!

Figure 19: Example of the sort of trinkets that the home-workers turned out for the WHW cause.

Figure 20: Complete set of ship stamps on cover to New York In Jonry, 1939, with the special cancel as shown in Figure 15.


Danzig Report  106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 15.

Hits: 3239

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
