Report No. 107
Editor: John H. Bloecher, 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, MD. 21207-5230 USA
April, May, June 2000
During their first trip to Danzig, in 1988. some visitors from the U.S. heard that their guide discovered many small pieces of newspapers that were covering cracks in the walls of her attic, in an attempt to insulate the house from the winds that whip thru the Zoppot region. The visitor suggested that they have a Look at the situation and climbed the ladder from the third floor to the attic. Someone had beaten this search party to the main prize, since the pieces of newspaper were of small size and very difficult to retrieve in meaningful pieces. Fifty years of aging of glue and paper didn’t help the condition of the news print, either.
Just what was so important about the remains of these papers? Some of the scraps contained notes concerning the formation of the Danzig Luftschutzbund and its recruitment of members.
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Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 107 - April - May - June - 2000, Page 1.
Hits: 2378
Added: 27/07/2015
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