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Gallery » The Danzig Philatelist 2010 » Confusion Mail between Danzig and Czecholsovakia

Mail between Danzig and Czecholsovakia - confusion and error over postal rates.

To respect the copyright of the publisher, we will only show you the first page of this issue. If you are interested in the other pages kindly please contact the editor, you may click as well on this site on 'Membership', see 'The Danzig Study Group of the UK'.
However, we do provide a full table of contents;

1. G du B and others; Mail between Danzig and Czechoslovakia - confusion and error over postal rates.
2. Hans Vogels; German postal forms used as parcel cards by the Polish Post in Gdańsk.
3. Hans Vogels; Port Gdańsk 'Juta letters'.
4. Ton Hulkenberg; A previously unknown Fieldpost mark of the French navy in Danzig.
5. G du B; Flyer; Die Balten verlieren eine Heimat, aber gewinnen ihr Vaterland.

The Danzig Philatelist nr. 14, April - June 2010.

Hits: 3837

Added: 23/03/2010
Copyright: 2024
