Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue.
1. February, 1922.
Registered cover from Danzig Langfuhr to Magdeburg Germany
Cover is franked with a 3 Mark stamp from the burelage issue (greenish-grey burelage, points DOWN) and a single 2 Mark value from the Feb 1, 1922 Wappen issue. This is a First Day cover for the 2 Mark value. The postal rate from Jan. 1, 1922 applies to this cover for a greater than 20 gm letter and was as follows:
Postal rate: - - - - - - 3.0 Mk
Registration: - - - - - 2.0 Mk
Cover has a Danzig-Langfuhr registration label and is cancelled with a DANZIG Langfuhr cancel on 1.2.22 4-5N and has a receiving cancel from Magdeburg on 2.2.22. 12-1V.
Hits: 3372
Added: 20/03/2011
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